Mission Statement at PS 163Q
The Mission of P.S. 163Q We believe that our community of learners will lead us into the future by:
- Using their critical thinking skills to solve problems
- Tapping into their social emotional toolkits to self-regulate behaviors
- Having a strong command of language to articulate the need for systemic changes
- Promoting an equitable tomorrow through opportunities and resources FOR ALL
Statement of Accessibility
Statement on Accessibility: We are working to make this website easier to access for people with disabilities, and will follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please contact ffiore2@schools.nyc.gov to request assistance.
Scholastic Book Fair Coming Soon! - March 24th to March 28th
Book catalog/Catálogo de libros/图书目录: https://registration.scholasticbookfairs.com/flipbooks/?fb=s25-2-es-tt
Dear PS163Q Families and Guardians:
Get ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to PS163Q Flushing Heights! Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them to become Bolder, Prouder, and Stronger Readers. AND every book they buy earns rewards for our school.
Book Fair Dates: MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2025 to FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2025
Location: PS163Q in our first floor Multi-Purpose Room.
Parents are welcome to the fair too! Come to the school during your child’s assigned class time and shop at the fair together. Please see the attached schedule.
Payment: Cash or eWallet
eWallet is a digital payment account. Before the Fair, set up eWallet for cash-free purchases. Anyone can contribute! Share each child’s eWallet so friends and family can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy.
If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Online Book Fair! All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school. We have attached a sample of some of the books that will be at the Fair!
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping through the link or QR Code below:
Happy reading,
Francine A. Marsaggi & Tiffany Tung
Principal Parent Coordinator
Estimadas familias y tutores de PS163Q:
¡Prepárense! Ya llega ¡La Feria del Libro Scholastic llega a PS163 Flushing Heights! Elija libros para los niños que los inspire a ser lectores más audaces, orgullosos y fuertes. Por cada libro que compren nuestra escuela ganara premios.
Fechas de la feria del libro: lunes 24 de marzo, 2025 hasta el viernes 28 de marzo, 2025
Ubicación: PS163Q, ubicado en nuestro salón de eventos en el primer piso.
¡Los padres también son bienvenidos a visitarnos! Venga a la escuela a la hora designada de la clase de su hijo y compren juntos en el bazar. Por favor vea el horario adjunto.
Método de pago: efectivo o monedero electrónico
Una billetera electrónica es una cuenta de pago digital. Antes del espectáculo, configure su billetera electrónica para compras sin efectivo. ¡Cualquiera puede contribuir! Comparta la billetera electrónica de cada niño para que los amigos y la familia puedan recargar y darle a su hijo aún más libros para disfrutar.
Si no puede asistir a la feria del libro, ¡compre en línea en el citio web de nuestra escuela! Todos los pedidos se envían directamente a su puerta, con envío gratis en pedidos de libros superiores a $25. Su pedido en línea también beneficiará a nuestra escuela. ¡Hemos adjuntado una muestra de algunos de los libros que estarán en exhibición en la feria!
Visite nuestra página de inicio de la Feria del Libro para obtener más información y comenzar a usar monederos electrónicos y compras en línea a través de los enlaces o códigos QR a continuación:
feliz lectura,
Francine A. Marsaggi y Tiffany Tung
Coordinador principal de padres
親愛的 PS163Q 家庭和監護人:
做好準備! Scholastic 書展即將來到 PS163 法拉盛高地小學! 選擇自己的書籍可以增強孩子的能力,並激勵他們成為更大膽、更自豪、更堅強的讀者。 他們購買的每一本書都會為我們學校贏得獎勵。
書展日期:2025 年 3 月 24 日星期一至 2025 年 3 月 28 日星期五
也歡迎家長們前來參觀! 在您孩子指定的上課時間來到學校,一起在書展上購物。 請看附表。
電子錢包是一個數字支付賬戶。 展會前,設置電子錢包以進行無現金購買。 任何人都可以貢獻! 分享每個孩子的電子錢包,這樣朋友和家人就可以充值,給您的孩子更多的書來享受。
如果你不能參加書展,那就去我們學校的網上書展購物吧! 所有訂單均直接送貨上門,超過 25 美元的圖書訂單免運費。 您的在線訂單也將使我們學校受益。 我們附上了一些將在展會上展出的書籍的樣本!
Francine A. Marsaggi 和 Tiffany Tung
校長家 長協調員
PS 163's Got Talent 2025
What a great job everyone did last night at our Annual Talent Show!!!!
Supporting Early Math at Home (K-2) - March 13, 2025
PS163Q Career Day 2025 -March 21, 2025
We are looking for parents/family members to join us and share your career with PS163Q students in their classrooms. Use the QR code if you would like to participate. Light refreshments will be provided.
Friday, March 21, 2025 8:30am-11:00am
我們正在尋找家長/家庭成員加入我們,並在課堂上與 PS163Q 學生分享您的職業生涯。 如果您想參加,請使用二維碼。 將提供茶點。
2025 年 3 月 21 日,星期五,上午 8:30-11:00
Estamos buscando padres/miembros de la familia para que se unan a nosotros y compartan su carrera con los estudiantes de PS163Q en sus salones de clase. Use el código QR si desea participar. Se proporcionarán refrigerios ligeros.
viernes, 21 de marte de 2025 8:30 am-11:00 am
What's Happening in NYC Public Schools (March 2025) (Español/中文)
English: march-2025-nycps-family-update
Spanish/Español: 38337-march-2025-nycps-family-update-spanish
Chinese/中文: 38337-march-2025-nycps-family-update-chinese
What’s Happening in NYC Public Schools March 2025
Apply Now for Summer Rising
The Summer Rising 2025 application is now open until Friday, March 28, 2025! Offered in partnership with the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD), Summer Rising is free and open to any NYC student currently in kindergarten through grade 8. The program begins for all participants on July 2, and runs Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Programming for students in grades K–5 ends August 15, and programming for students in grades 6–8 ends August 8.
Students will be provided with free breakfast and lunch. Programming includes academic instruction led by NYCPS
staff and enrichment activities led by Community Based Organizations (CBOs).
To apply, log in to your existing MySchools.nyc account, or create one using your email address, your child’s 9- digit student ID number, and a MySchools account creation code, which you can get by contacting your child's school. Families can list as many programs as they like on their application and may make changes at any time up to the March 28 deadline.
If you have any questions or need help with the application, please visit schools.nyc.gov/SummerRising, contact
your school, or email summer@schools.nyc.gov.
Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 Plans
Students attending 12-month/Extended School Year (ESY) special class, Nest, or Horizon Programs will receive the program and services recommended on their IEP at an Extended School year (ESY), District 75 (D75), Nest, or Horizon Summer Program site. Families who wish to participate in IEP program and extended-day CBO-led enrichment through Summer Rising should use the MySchools application portal.
If your child will only be participating in Nest/ Horizon programming (until 12:00 p.m.), D75 (until 2:30 p.m.), or ESY programming (until 2:00 p.m.), you should contact your child’s school instead of using the MySchools application.
2025 NYC School Survey
Don’t forget to complete the 2025 NYC School Survey by Friday, April 4! Your confidential feedback helps our schools better understand what their students and community members need and think about their learning environments, educators, curricula, support services, and more. School leaders use this feedback to improve their schools and program offerings.
To view and complete the survey, log into your official New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) at schoolsaccount.nyc. You will also receive a printed copy of the survey with instructions on how to complete the survey on paper or online. You can also learn more about or take the 2025 NYC School Survey at NYCSchoolSurvey.org.Community and Citywide Education Council Elections 2025
Meet the candidates for the 2025 Community and Citywide Education Council (CCEC) Elections! Starting Monday, March 3, attend your district's virtual Candidate Forum to learn about the candidates running for your local Community Education Council or one of the City's four Citywide Education Councils. Learn more about CCECs at schools.nyc.gov/CCEC. Visit schools.nyc.gov/Elections2025 for dates, times, and to register to join the forums on Zoom.
Marble Health Information Flyers - February 27, 2025
Marble Health New.pdf - (English/Español/中文)
CASA Afterschool Program for 2nd Graders (Queens Botanical Gardens) - February 25th
Dear Parent/Guardian of a 2nd grader:
The Queens Botanical Garden CASA afterschool program for second grade will be starting on Tuesday, March 18, 2025. The CASA program will be held every Tuesday afternoon from 2:40PM-4:10PM for seven weeks.
If you are interested in having your child attend the program, please respond on the Google Form by Tuesday, March 4, 2025. The form will open on Tuesday, February 25th at 5PM. Please make sure you pick your child up from school on time.
Google Form link: https://forms.gle/Ur3tpP7no6s5FMM59 -OR- use the QR code.
Space is limited so children will be admitted on a first come first serve basis.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 |
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 |
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 |
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 |
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 |
Tuesday, April 29, 2025 |
Tuesday, May 6, 2025 |
Thank you,
Tiffany Tung
PS163Q Parent Coordinator
2025 年 2 月 24 日
皇后區植物園 CASA 二年級課外活動將於 2025 年 3 月 18 日星期四開始。CASA 活動將於每週二下午 2:40 至 4:10 舉行,為期七週。
如果您有興趣讓您的孩子參加該計劃,請在 2025年 3 月 4 日星期二之前通過 Google 表格回复。該表格將於 2 月 25 日星期二下午5 點打開。 請確保您準時從學校接您的孩子。
Google 表單鏈接:https://forms.gle/Ur3tpP7no6s5FMM59 - 或 - 使用二維碼。
Tiffany Tung
24 de febrero de 2025
Estimado padre/tutor de un alumno de segundo grado:
El programa extracurricular CASA del Jardín Botánico de Queens para segundo grado comenzará el martes 18 de marzo de 2025. El programa CASA se llevará a cabo todos los martes por la tarde de 2:40 p. m. a 4:10 p. m. durante siete semanas.
Si está interesado en que su hijo asista al programa, responda en el Formulario de Google antes del martes 4 de marzo de 2025. El formulario se abrirá el martes 25 de febrero a las 5 p.m. Por favor, asegúrese de recoger a su hijo de la escuela a tiempo.
Enlace del formulario de Google: https://forms.gle/Ur3tpP7no6s5FMM59 -O- use el código QR.
El espacio es limitado, por lo que los niños serán admitidos por orden de llegada.
Tiffany Tung
Coordinador de Padres
2025 NYC School Survey Is Open! - February 10, 2025
Dear Parent,
Please consider taking a few minutes to fill out the 2025 NYC School Survey. The survey gives school leaders a better understanding of what you and other members of our school community think about our school.
The access code is your child’s student ID (OSIS) number and a lower-case “f” in front.
Scan the QR Code
go to your child’s NYC Schools Account to take the survey.
Thank you,
Tiffany Tung
PS163Q Parent Coordinator
Querido padre,
Considere tomarse unos minutos para completar la Encuesta escolar de la ciudad de Nueva York de 2025. La encuesta brinda a los líderes escolares una mejor comprensión de lo que usted y otros miembros de nuestra comunidad escolar piensan sobre nuestra escuela.
La fecha límite es el viernes 4 de abril de 2025. El código de acceso es el número de identificación de estudiante (OSIS) de su hijo y una "f" minúscula al frente.
Escanee el código QR.
Ir vaya a la Cuenta de Escuelas de la Ciudad de Nueva York de su hijo para realizar la encuesta.
Tiffany Tung
Coordinador de Padres de PS163Q
請考慮花幾分鐘時間填寫 2025 年紐約市學校調查。 該調查讓學校領導更好地了解您和我們學校社區的其他成員對我們學校的看法。
截止日期為 2025 年4月 4 日星期五。訪問代碼是您孩子的 学生证(OSIS) 號碼和前面的小寫“f”。
- 或 –
去並選擇“參加 2025 年紐約市學校調查”按鈕前往您孩子的紐約市學校賬戶參加調查。
Tiffany Tung
PS163Q 家長協調員
Norovirus Parent Letter (Español/中文)
January 27, 2025
Dear Parents,
There has been an increase in gastrointestinal illness (such as vomiting, diarrhea and other stomach-related illness) nationwide and locally. Fortunately, we have not observed an increase amongst among our students. We would like to share information about norovirus for your awareness. Some germs, like norovirus, can spread very fast in schools. Norovirus is a stomach virus that can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Most people get better in one to two days.
People can become sick with norovirus if they:
• Have close contact with someone who has norovirus. Contact can include changing diapers and sharing food, forks, knives, spoons or chopsticks.
• Touch surfaces that have norovirus, then touch their mouths
• Eat food or drink liquids that have norovirus
How to stop the spread of norovirus:
• Wash your hands often with warm water and soap. This is especially important after using the bathroom, after changing diapers, and before touching or eating food.
• Remind children to wash their hands after using the bathroom and before eating. Watch younger children to be sure they use soap and water and dry their hands well.
• Immediately clean surfaces that become dirty from vomit or stool. Use a germ-killing cleaner, such as bleach, for the best results. Be sure to follow the package instructions when using a germ-killing cleaner.
• Keep children home if they are sick. Children who are vomiting or having diarrhea should stay home until they are well. Remind children to wash their hands thoroughly, especially during and after their illness.
Visit nyc.gov/health and search for norovirus for more information. If you are concerned about your child’s illness, call your health care provider or school nurse.
Cheryl Lawrence, MD FAAP
Medical Director
Office of School Health
1st Grade
Student OMNY Cards Replacing Student Metro Cards Starting This School Year - September 2024
Starting this school year, students will receive Student OMNY cards, instead of MetroCards.
Student OMNY Cards are distributed exclusively by schools. You can’t get a Student OMNY Card from the MTA. They are also valid all year long. Your Student OMNY Card doesn’t expire until the next school year.
Student OMNY Cards give you more free rides with fewer limits:
• Four free rides every day (this includes a free transfer between the subway and local, limited, and Select Bus Service buses, or a free transfer between buses)
• All day (not just certain hours)
• Every day of the year (not just school days)
• Even weekends and over the summer
• One card for the entire school year and the summer
Emergency Readiness Initiatives - September 6, 2024
Dear Parents
I am writing to provide you with information about the Emergency Readiness Initiatives that are in place in all NYC Public Schools.
Every school currently has procedures for emergencies. In 2000, New York State Education Law Section 2801 was enacted requiring schools to develop safety plans regarding emergency response. In July of 2001, the law was amended to require that plans include information for evacuation and sheltering. In accordance with this, “schools need to conduct drills and other exercises to test components of the emergency response plan.” In July of 2024, the Education Law was revised to include Trauma-Informed Care in the training and practice of all emergency drills.
Our school has a Building Response Team that is trained to activate and respond to different incidents that may occur at our school. In addition, school staff members are trained in various procedures that are outlined in the School Safety Plan and we currently conduct a variety of drills throughout the year to prepare our staff and students. Section 807 of the New York State Education Law requires all schools to conduct a minimum of 12 emergency drills each year. Section 917 of the State Education Law states that schools are required to provide and maintain automated external defibrillator (AED) equipment, and drills are conducted during the year to assess the use of AED units in an emergency. In accordance with Section 3623 of the State Education Law, drills are also conducted at schools that focus on safety on a school bus.
Under the General Response Protocol (GRP), every school will conduct specific drills designed to help prepare all school communities for four different types of response to emergencies that may occur: evacuation, shelter-in, hold, and lockdown.
Emergency readiness training in schools takes place in September and continues for staff and students throughout the school year. Student training is designed by grade level to ensure that students understand the importance of these drills without causing unnecessary alarm. In accordance with our Trauma Informed Care approach, our drills will not include any props, actors, simulations, or other tactics intended to mimic a school shooting, incident of violence, or other emergency. Our staff will review the proper actions in either an evacuation or lockdown drill to discuss any concerns or fears a student may have and we will provide notice to parents and those in parental relations regarding drills within one week before each drill. Drills will not occur until after annual training in emergency procedures has been provided to students and staff.
It is important for families to update the Emergency Contact Cards that are on file in our main office. You are also encouraged to create and maintain an accurate NYC Schools Account. This information includes providing and updating information indicating phone numbers, and the names of adults to whom the school may release children in an emergency. Families are also encouraged to register with Notify NYC (https://a858-nycnotify.nyc.gov/notifynyc/) to receive information about emergency events, and call 311 for additional information about a school during an emergency.
We encourage you to play a role in our trauma informed approach by reviewing the General Response Protocols attached to this letter. Opportunities for parent engagement are available at our school to ensure that families are involved in our school-based emergency readiness program. Parent versions of the School Safety Plan are available upon request in the main office, and information explaining the GRP is included with this letter. Many other important resources for families are also available by visiting https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/safe-schools.
Francine A. Marsaggi